Fitness Classes
Join us for instructor led classes to fast paced music or slow it down with the relaxing senior cycle class. Come discover your perfect spin class!

Cycling Studio
Our cycling studio is open to members and non-members who want a low impact cardiovascular workout. We provide something for everyone and every skill level. From spin classes and virtual trail DVD's, to open cycling times where you can create your own workout, the possibilities are endless for beginner and advanced cyclists alike.
Cycling Room Policies
Please wipe down bikes with sani-cloths or disinfectant spray before and after use.
Please only bring water into the studio.
Please refrain from adjusting any of the controls on the studio stereo or TV.
Cycling DVD's
Check out an Indoor Cycling Group World Tour DVD from the front desk and cycle through popular sightseeing areas right from our cycling studio. Discover the Pacific Northwest, Wild California, and the American Southwest.