Partners in Wellness
Prairie Grit and the Minot Family YMCA provide you with many youth programs to help people of all abilities and ages reach their fullest potential.

Fitness for All Abilities
Prairie Grits programming is available to any person, 5 years of age through adult, with a disability can participate. Our participants include, but are not limited to, those with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, spina bifida, Down syndrome, autism, stroke, amputations, etc.

PT Solutions
Physical Therapy can help children ages 0-18 years who have: birth injuries or birth defects, developmental delay, torticollis, skull flatness in infants (plagiocephaly, scaphocephaly, brachycephaly), prematurity, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Down syndrome, spinal muscular atrophy, muscular dystrophy, scoliosis, slipped capital femoral epiphysis, genetic disorders, sensory processing disorders, traumatic brain injuries, orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, or other diagnoses.

OT Solutions
Occupational Therapy can help children ages 0-18 years who have: birth injuries or birth defects, developmental delay, autism, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, Down syndrome, sensory processing disorder, traumatic brain injury, ADD/ADHD, or other diagnoses.

Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports
Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports and the Minot Family YMCA have partnered together to to provide the most complete wellness experience possible for all abilities.
Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports is a non-profit organization with the mission of providing sports opportunities for youth and adults living with physical and mental disabilities to enhance their quality of life.
Their goal is to create opportunities for our youth, adults and their families through adaptive sports. We level the playing field by removing barriers in order to give everyone opportunities to do what they love. Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports offers a variety of activities and events year-round.

Prairie Grit Therapy
Prairie Grit Therapy is currently located in the Minot Family YMCA. Through this partnership, occupational and physical therapy patients have access to therapy within multiple areas within the YMCA to enhance their therapy sessions.
Prairie Grit Therapy's mission is to make children’s therapeutic treatment fun through an environment rich with opportunities for movement, sensory input, and learning experiences. We want to effectively assist youth in their effort to reach their full potential!
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy utilizes play in a child-centered and fun environment to promote development and improve skills in the areas of: sensory processing skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, visual motor skills, visual perceptual skills, feeding, selfcare, and self-regulation skills. Prairie Grit Therapy is able to utilize the unique spaces within the YMCA (including the basketball court, climbing wall, track, swimming pool, and more) to make therapy more exciting and applicable to real-world environments and activities.
Some signs or symptoms your child may be experiencing which could benefit from Occupational Therapy (OT) services include:
Difficulty achieving developmental milestones
Difficulty with handwriting
Picky eating
Sensory avoiding or sensory seeking behaviors
Delayed independence with self-care skills such as dressing, shoe tying, and more.
Physical Therapy
Pediatric physical therapists (PTs) provide services to patients who demonstrate or who are at high risk for developmental delays. Physical therapists are movement experts and help with gross motor development and body function (e.g., strength and endurance). Treatment sessions may include therapeutic exercise, neurodevelopmental facilitation, gait training, coordination/balance activities, manual therapy, aquatic therapy, and taping techniques.
These services are delivered through mentally and physically stimulating play activities. The goal of these activities are to help your child reach their maximum potential of mobility and participation, whether it be at home, in school, or in recreational activities in the community.
Some signs or symptoms your child may be experiencing which could benefit from Physical Therapy services include:
Difficulty achieving independent mobility
Delay in developmental milestones
Coordination/balance deficits
Toe walking
Flatness of skull
Pain with movement
Recovery from injury/surgery
Speech Therapy
Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, and diagnose a variety of disorders relating to communication including receptive/expressive language disorders, articulation/phonological disorders, social language disorders, orofacial myofunctional disorders, infant feeding, and any/all diagnoses that may impact communication such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Apraxia, and/or Auditory Processing Disorder.
Some signs or symptoms your child may be experiencing which could benefit from speech/language therapy services include:
Difficulty expressing wants, needs, and other communicative messages or understanding written and spoken messages
Difficulty producing speech sounds correctly or fluently
Difficulty participating in conversations or using socially appropriate behaviors
Literacy concerns (reading, writing, and spelling)
Concerns with feeding and swallowing safely and efficiently