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The Y will be closing at 3PM Tuesday, April 12, until further notice due to the impending blizzard. Please consider keeping you and your family home and safe in preparation for the storm and our closure.

Please continue to watch our social media pages and this post for information as the storm progresses.

To be the first to know, please sign up for text alerts by texting MINOTYMCA to 54539 and downloading the Daxko App on your smart phone and turn on notifications!

April 13 Update: The YMCA will remain closed through today (April 13) We will continue to monitor the weather and road conditions within city limits and keep you posted. Stay safe!

April 13 Update Part 2: The YMCA will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday, April 13.

April 14 Update: Pending road conditions and the clearing status of residential streets, the YMCA will be tentatively opening at 12PM on Friday, April 15.

The Y will delay opening or remain closed if there is no travel advised within city limits or the residential roads are impassable.

We will be reevaluating the tentative opening tomorrow morning, and will notify you prior to 12PM if there is any change or delay.

April 15 Update: We will not be able to open at 12PM today, Friday, April 15, as the no travel advisory is still in affect for the city of Minot. We are tentatively delaying the opening time to 4PM to help mitigate patrons on the road so that the road crews can continue clearing residential streets.

We will reevaluate the 4PM opening time early this afternoon; taking into account the road condition status as declared by the City of Minot, the availability of key staff, and snow removal around our facility vents and emergency exits.

If we are unable to open today, we will tentatively plan to open tomorrow, Saturday, April 16 at 6AM.

April 15 Update Part 2: Though the travel advisory has lifted for City of Minot, the city is still encouraging residents to stay home to ensure an uninterrupted snow removal process in residential areas which have yet to be cleared. Due to this, many of our key employees needed for facility operation are still unable to leave their homes.

To ensure the safety of our employees, members, and guests and aid in the cities effort to keep residents off the streets, we will NOT be opening today, April 15. Our team will continue to move the drifted snow away from our emergency exits to ensure access in case of an emergency. The Y will be set to open at 6AM Saturday, April 16.

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